

公告類型: 社會科學類8-1
點閱次數: 190

摘 要

近幾年來台灣餐飲市場不斷擴大,各大連鎖餐飲業都積極搶占市場,雖然台灣餐飲市場有再慢慢成長,卻不是每一間餐廳都能穩定獲利,有許多餐廳都因為市場競爭激烈而紛紛倒閉。而台南華味香餐廳餐廳經營將近80年,經歷了市場各種變化,仍然屹立不搖,應有其他餐飲業值得參考之處。為瞭解華味香家族企業經營的餐廳之關鍵成功因素,本研究由不同角度切入,經文獻探討整理出家族企業餐廳關鍵成功的四項因素分別為「經營管理」、「經營者人格特質」、「產品管理」與「店面地點」。本研究以質性研究之深度訪談法和內容分析法做為研究方法,透過訪談業者與過去採訪資料和內部文獻資料等內容分析互相驗證探討。研究發現該餐廳關鍵成功因素為下列四點經營管理發現商機、導入設備、重新裝潢與多角化經營 經營者的人格特質:勤勞認真與敢做敢當產品品質控管與不斷創新店面地點房租壓力與停車便利性。本研究結果期盼能作為台灣餐飲業未來經營及發展的參考,並讓更多人來一起探討台灣一些中小型餐飲家族企業。


The restaurant industry in Taiwan has recently experienced significant growth, with major chain restaurants actively competing for market share. However, not all restaurants have been able to sustain profits in the face of intense competition, leading to many closures. Hua Wei Hsiang restaurant, a family business that has been operating for almost eighty years, provides a model for other restaurants. This study aims to identify the critical success factors of the Hua Wei Hsiang restaurant and give guidance to similar restaurants in Taiwan. Based on a literature review, the critical success factors of the restaurant are identified as management, leader personality traits, product management, and restaurant location selection. The study employs in-depth interviews and content analysis as qualitative research methods to explore these factors. Grounded theory is used to analyze the key success factors of the Hua Wei Hsiang restaurant. The study identifies four critical success factors for the restaurant: (1) effective management, including discovering new business opportunities, adopting new technology, and diversifying strategies; (2) leader personality traits, such as hard work and taking responsibility for one's actions; (3) product management, including quality control and innovation; and (4) restaurant location selection, including rent and parking convenience. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the development of the restaurant industry in Taiwan. The results of this research will serve as a reference for the future development of the industry, particularly for family-run restaurants.
Keywords: Restaurant, Family business, Key success factors

發布日期: 2023/10/03
發布人員: 薛淑真