
觀光吸引力、休閒效益與重遊意願之關係 -以高美濕地為例

公告類型: 社會科學類7-2
點閱次數: 254


濕地具有生態保育等多元化的功能之外,同時也具有觀光價值,已成為全球旅遊體驗的重要的一部分。高美濕地每年吸引約350萬國內外遊客造訪,近年成為臺中熱門景點之一。本研究旨在以造訪高美濕地的遊客為研究對象,探討高美濕地的觀光吸引力、休閒效益與重遊意願間的差異與關係,並檢視休閒效益的中介效果。本研究採取便利抽樣蒐集資料,共獲得523份有效樣本。並以SPSS套裝統計軟體作為資料分析工具,利用描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析、Sobel test等統計方法分析本研究所提出的各項假設。研究結果顯示,遊客的年齡、教育程度、職業、平均月收入、交通工具及旅遊次數在觀光吸引力上具有差異;遊客的教育程度在休閒效益上具有差異;遊客的教育程度在重遊意願上具有差異。而觀光吸引力、休閒效益與重遊意願三者間皆有顯著正向影響關係存在,顯示高美濕地的觀光吸引力越高,休閒效益與重遊意願就會越高,休閒效益越高則重遊意願也會越高,且休閒效益對於觀光吸引力與重遊意願具有中介效果,最後根據研究結論提出建議,供相關單位及後續研究者參考。


With diverse functions and tourism values, wetlands have become an important part of the global tourism experience. Attracting approximately 3.5 million domestic and foreign tourists annually, Gaomei Wetlands become one of the most popular scenic spots in Taichung in recent years. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences and relationships among tourism attractions, leisure benefits and intentions to revisit Gaomei Wetlands and examine the mediating effects of leisure benefits. In this study, 523 valid questionnaires were collected, and then SPSS statistical software was used as the data analysis tool. Descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, regression analysis and Sobel test were used to verify the proposed research assumptions. The results of the study showed that the visitors’ age, educational level, occupation, average monthly income, means of transportation, and the number of visits have significant differences in tourism attractions; the visitors’ educational levels have significant differences in leisure benefits; the visitors’ educational levels affect their revisit intentions. There is a significant positive relationship among tourism attractions, leisure benefits and revisit intentions, showing that the higher tourist attractions, the higher leisure benefits and revisit intentions; the higher leisure benefits, the higher revisit intentions; leisure benefits have a mediating effect on tourism attractions and revisit intentions. Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the result proposed suggestions as references for the relevant units and further researchers.
Keywords: Gaomei Wetland, Tourism Attractions, Leisure Benefits, Revisit Intentions

發布日期: 2023/01/10
發布人員: 薛淑真