
結合燃料電池與鋰電池的車用混合動力系統模擬Simulation of Vehicle Hybrid Power System Combining Fuel Cell and Lithium Battery

公告類型: 工程科學類5-2
點閱次數: 436

本研究以模擬方式探討以燃料電池與可充電電池組成雙電力的混合動力系統,安裝於一小型電動車輛,期望能找到較佳能源控制策略。此系統使用1.2 kW 的質子交換膜燃料電池組為主動力源,搭配3kWh鋰離子電池,在不同能量分配策略下,觀察車輛的性能表現。使用ADVISOR分析軟體,模擬HV1HV2二個不同控制策略之行駛行為。模擬車輛在縮小比例的都會區動力計行駛時程 reduced-urban dynamometer driving schedule, r-UDDS 模式下,不同控制策略下的能量改變及車輛行駛狀態。結果顯示,在蓄電池充電至預設電量且車輛遵循相同速度規範的狀況下,HV2HV1有更少的氫氣消耗量與更高的燃料電池系統效率。在適當能量配制下,燃料電池混合動力車能節省氫氣消耗量且克服電動車巡航限制。



This study uses a simulation method to explore a dual electricity hybrid power system consisting of a fuel cell and a rechargeable battery. It is installed in a small electric vehicle, and it is expected to find a better energy control strategy. This system uses a 1.2 kW proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack as the main power source, with the assistance of a 3 kWh lithium ion battery, to observe the performance of the vehicle in different power distribution modes. Use ADVISOR analysis software to simulate the driving behaviors of two different control strategies—HV1 and HV2. Simulate the energy change and vehicle driving status under different control strategies in a reduced scale urban dynamometer driving schedule (r-UDDS) driving cycle. The results show that HV2 has less hydrogen consumption and higher fuel cell system efficiency than HV1 when the battery is charged to a preset charge and the vehicle follows the same speed specifications. With proper energy allocation, fuel cell hybrid vehicles can save hydrogen consumption and overcome the cruising limitations of electric vehicles.

Keywords: Hybrid Vehicle, Vehicle Simulation, Fuel Cell, Hydrogen Consumption

發布日期: 2020/11/04
發布人員: 薛淑真