
3D立體移動式射擊運動多媒體輔助訓練養成系統Construction of Training-based Shooting System with 3D-based Motion and Multimedia Design

點閱次數: 564

摘 要

孕龍科技公司主要以IC Design為核心技術,多年來專精於硬體週邊產品設計,其自行研發的邏輯分析儀相繼獲得20062009年「台灣精品獎」的肯定,其硬體及韌體的開發技術已達國際水準。為了讓精密儀器有其應用的舞台並延伸其市場規模,公司結合日新月異的多媒體產業技術,而與南臺科技大學合作開發出一款「3D立體移動式射擊運動多媒體輔助訓練養成系統」,來提升公司的營運規模及層次,所使用的技術包含機電整合、感應定位、程式設計、3D美術及多媒體影音、資訊理論和雲端設計等。系統共包含五種實用射擊模式:(1)快速射擊;(2)移動目標射擊;(3)阻停射擊;(4)夜間射擊;(5)目標辨識射擊,並參考國際實用射擊協會(IPSC)的規則。系統以大型機台為其硬體介面,內部嵌入精確的光槍定位系統,能準確算出光槍所投射在螢幕上的光點位置,同時以Electro-Server為伺服器架構,連結並管理用戶端及雲端的資料傳送,並導入模糊邏輯概念來加速網路的資料傳送。此外,本系統亦可作為軍方或警方等政府單位的射擊訓練教材,來培養更專業的射擊人才。



Based on the core technology of IC component design, Zeroplus Technology Company has focused on peripheral hardware research and development over recent years, and has won the prizes of Taiwan Excellence Award in 2006 and 2009 for the products of self-designed logic analyzers. Its technology has reached the international level both in hardware and firmware design. To further expand the business market scale and scope, Zeroplus has cooperated with South Taiwan University of Science and Technology to construct a training-based multimedia shooting system. The technologies used by the system include electro-mechanical integration, sensing positioning, programming, 3D multimedia design, information theory, and cloud design. The shooting system is composed of five shooting modes: (1) quick shooting;text-align:justify;text-justify:inter-ideograph; text-indent:-53.95pt;line-height:15.0pt;">
KeywordsArcade game installation, Shooting simulation system, Game planning, Cloud electro-server, Fuzzy logic, AVL tree

發布日期: 2018/05/01
發布人員: 薛淑真