
半無窮域與雙異質以及平行域之壓電材料反平面問題理論解析The Theoretical Analyze for the Antiplane Problem of a Piezoelectric Half-plane and Bimaterial and layered Medium

公告類型: 工程科學類1-1
點閱次數: 684

摘 要




Analytical solutions to the antiplane problem of the piezoelectric body subject to a point loading are obtained by Fourier transformation and image method in the study. The geometric configuration of the piezoelectric body includes infinite plane, half-plane, bimaterial, and single layer. The point loading consists of the antiplane shear force, screw dislocation, concentrated charge, and voltage. Based on these analytical solutions, the influence of boundary conditions on the field of displacement, stress, electric displacement, and electricity will be discussed. The numerical calculation with practical piezoelectric ceramics will be presented in figures in the paper. These figures will be used to verify the correctness of analytical solutions obtained in the study and explain the distribution of physical fields for the piezoelectric ceramics.

Keywords: Piezoelectric Body, Antiplane Problem, Image Method

發布日期: 2018/05/01
發布人員: 薛淑真