
桌遊遊戲結合BOPPPS教學策略在古典通識課程 提升學習動機之研究

公告類型: 社會科學類9-1
點閱次數: 71


文旨在探討以自製開發的桌遊遊戲結合 BOPPPS 教學策略在古典通識課程對學生學習動機的影響。研究證實桌遊遊戲應用於實務教學對學習者的學習動機與知識內化的程度皆有助益。研究者任教於科大通識中心教授古典通識課程,古典通識課程古詩文的艱深奧義往往阻礙學習者的學習動機,再加上面對通識課程非專業主科的輕忽心態,學習動機非常低弱!為解決教學現場的現況問題,提升學生的學習動機,因此,研究者將自行研發的桌遊遊戲融入課程內容,並以 BOPPPS 教學策略進行。研究對象為南部某科技大學修習「蘇軾茶文學的現代創意」通識課程的各系所學生,男 18 位,女 15 位,共 33 人。研究場域在通識教育中心課堂中進行。研究工具採 Keller ARCS 學習動機量表」(CIS量化工具;此外,蒐集學生訪談教師教學反思日誌」等資料進行質性分析。在資料處理與分析方面,採相依樣本t檢定來驗證學生教學前、後在學習動機的學習表現並經由學生訪談、教師教學反思日誌等資料,探究桌遊遊戲融入古典通識課程對學生學習動機的影響希冀本研究結果能夠提供相關課程教學與實踐研究者為後續研究之參考。


This article aims to explore the effect of self-developed board games combined with BOPPPS teaching strategies on students' learning motivation in classical general courses. Prior investigations have shown that the application of board games in teaching is conducive to learners’ learning motivation and knowledge internalization. The researcher’s experiences of teaching classical general courses at the Center for General Education of a university of science and technology suggest that the profoundness and abstruseness of ancient poetry in classical general courses often hinder students’ motivation to learn, which, coupled with the neglect of non-major subjects of general education, leads to very low engagement in their learning. To solve the current problems at the teaching site and improve students' learning motivation, the researcher embedded the self-developed board games into the course content and used the BOPPPS teaching strategy. The research participants  were 33 students, 18 males and 15 females, from various departments taking the "Modern Creativity of Su Shi's Tea Literature" general course at a university of science and technology in southern Taiwan. Conducted at the site of a classroom of the Center for General Education, the research employs as a quantitative tool the Course Interest Survey (CIS) based on Keller's ARCS model. In addition, data from the student interviews and teaching reflection logs were collected for qualitative analysis. In terms of data processing and analysis, the dependent sample t-test was performed to determine students' change in learning motivation before and after teaching, and the qualitative data was analyzed to explore the impact of embedding board games into classical general courses on learning motivation. It is hoped that the results of this investigation can provide relevant teaching practitioners and researchers with a reference for subsequent research.
Keywords: BOPPPS, Board games, Classical general courses, Learning motivation
發布日期: 2024/08/22
發布人員: 薛淑真