
The Relationship between Online Sales Promotions and Impulse Buying on Shopee Indonesia

公告類型: 社會科學類9-1
點閱次數: 36


東南亞已然成為全球成長速度最快的三個電商市場之一。研究預估2022年,新加坡電子商務銷售額將成長36.0%,而印尼將成長34.0%,菲律賓則將成長25.9%Lebow, 2022)。Wibisono & Fachira (2021)以先前在多個國家進行的與線上衝動購物相關研究構建模型,並以促銷、積極情緒和心理距離作為預測變數,該研究結果顯示:印尼的線上購物是以衝動但效率第一的消費者為主,除交易方便快捷的原因外,線上促銷活動亦是鼓勵消費者進行衝動購物的變數之一。本研究試圖確認線上促銷活動的影響,是否足以促使線上購物者在印尼蝦皮上進行衝動購物。本研究採用Rook & Fisher (1995)的衝動購買量表和Blech & Blech (2021)的六種促銷工具:優惠券、銷售回扣、降價交易、紅利包、免費贈品和忠誠度計劃,並應用李克特量表及問卷,對220名受訪者進行調查。本研究結果顯示:印尼蝦皮的線上促銷活動對消費者購買行為有正向關係的影響,非價格促銷則比價格促銷對消費者衝動購買行為的影響更大。此外,印尼蝦皮的線上促銷活動對不同年齡段、不同性別的消費者衝動購物行為的影響也存在差異。



 Southeast Asia has become one of the three fastest growing e-commerce markets in the world. Research estimates that in 2022, Singapore would post 36.0% retail e-commerce sales growth, while Indonesia would see an increase of 34.0% and the Philippines would reach 25.9% (Lebow, 2022). Wibisono & Fachira (2021) constructed models based on prior studies related to online impulsive buying in several countries by proposing promotion, positive emotion, and psychological distance as variable predictors. Their results implies that the Indonesian consumer market is dominated by impulsive yet “efficiency first” types of customers. Aside from convenient and fast transactions, one of the variables that encourages consumers to make impulse purchases is the availability of online sales promotions. This study attempts to determine to what degree the influence of online sales promotions can lead online shoppers to make impulse purchases on Shopee Indonesia. This study adopts the Impulse Buying scale by Rook & Fisher (1995) and six tools of sales promotions proposed by Blech & Blech (2021): coupons, rebates, price-off deals, bonus packs, free premium gifts, and loyalty programs. A set of questionnaires was given to 220 respondents using the Likert scale sampling technique. Results revealed that sales promotions have a positive effect on customer buying behavior, and that the non-price promotions have a larger impact than price promotions on customer impulse buying behavior on Shopee Indonesia. Moreover, there is a difference in the impact of sales promotions on impulse buying behavior on Shopee Indonesia between different age groups as well as different genders.
Keywords: Sales promotions, Coupons, Rebates, Price-off deals, Bonus packs, Free premium gifts, Loyalty programs, Impulse buying 
發布日期: 2024/08/22
發布人員: 薛淑真