
探討戶外冒險活動對大學生復原力之影響 : 深究引導與反思的重要性

公告類型: 社會科學類8-2
點閱次數: 146


疫情造成了社會的動盪及改變不論是成人或青少年都因疫情受到一定程度的身心理影響,對於步入新環境、生活作息改變及即將步入社會職場的大學生而言,所面對的壓力更是不容小覷。本研究旨在探討戶外冒險活動對大學生復原力之影響,以引導與反思的介入與否,將學生分為實驗組38位與對照組40位。所有學生皆進行復原力前後測,實驗組在過程中安排指導員進行活動引導及團體反思;對照組參與相同戶外冒險活動但無任何引導與反思之介入,兩組在所有戶外冒險活動後完成復原力後測由研究者進行統計分析。研究結果發現 1)實驗組在復原力的四個構面後測分數:「問題解決與認知成熟」、「希望與樂觀」、「同理心與人際互動」及情緒調節」均優於對照組。(2)實驗組經過引導與反思的介入後,復原力後測顯著高於前測分數。(3)對照組在僅參與戶外冒險活動的情況下,復原力後測與前測分數無顯著差異,在「情緒調節」的分數上甚至有降低之狀況。研究建議相關產業在設計戶外冒險方面的休閒活動時,可在活動過程中設計引導與反思環節,達到活動業者與顧客雙贏的局面。



The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented change and uncertainty, affecting the physical and mental health of adults and younger generations. College students, in particular, face the impacts of a new environment, changes in lifestyle, and job pressures after graduation. This study aimed to investigate the influence of processing during outdoor adventurous activities on the resilience of college students. The participants were divided into two groups: the experimental group (n=38) and the control group (n=40) based on whether they received processing. All students completed a resilience survey before the activities. The experimental group received guidance before each activity and group reflections were performed after each activity, while the control group participated in the same outdoor activities without any processing intervention. The results showed that (1) the resilience scores in the experimental group were significantly better than those in the control group in all four dimensions: "problem-solving and cognitive maturity," "hope and optimism," "empathy and interpersonal interaction," and "emotion regulation." (2) The post-test scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than the pre-test scores. (3) There was no significant difference in resilience scores between the pre-test and post-test in the control group. The findings suggest that processing during outdoor adventurous activities can significantly improve college students' resilience. These results provide useful suggestions for relevant units and future researchers.

Keywords: Resilience, Outdoor adventure, College students, Processing, Experiential education
發布日期: 2024/01/12
發布人員: 薛淑真