

公告類型: 社會科學類8-2
點閱次數: 167





The main purpose of the loyalty program is to stimulate consumers to spend on the companies in the program by rewards, enhance consumer loyalty, and strengthen the long-term relationship between consumers and companies. In the past, most of the research on loyalty programs focused on retail, hotel, and catering industries, but only some on the energy retail industry. Therefore, the present research took "Smile Refueling Center" as an example to analyze the impact of using the alliance loyalty programs. In this study, the questionnaire analysis method was used, and a questionnaire survey was conducted on the members of the gas station who used the company's APP. We applied PLS and SPSS to test the proposed model and mediating effects. The results found that loyalty programs' benefits, including financial, social, and altruism, positively affected consumers' perceived value. Consumer perceived value, APP functional quality, and payment channel convenience positively influenced program loyalty. Program loyalty positively affected brand image and repurchase intention. Furthermore, the mediating effects of program loyalty existed in the relationship of consumer perceived value, APP functional quality, payment channel convenience, and brand image repurchase intention. In the meantime, program loyalty and brand image had a dual mediating effect on consumers’ perceived value, APP functional quality, and payment channel convenience. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications and the direction for future research had been suggested.

Keywords: Program loyalty, APP functional quality, Payment channel convenience, Brand image, Repurchase intention

發布日期: 2024/01/12
發布人員: 薛淑真