
在智慧製造上的Low-Code SCADA系統建置

公告類型: 工程科學類8-1
點閱次數: 222

全球製造業近年進入了第四次的工業革命,促使智慧製造觀念的產生,亦即透過生產數據的蒐集進搭配AI進行生產分析與提升產線之稼動率。另外,2050淨零碳排的環保議題以及碳足跡盤查的需求也促使各界致力於紀錄詳實的生產歷程記錄。因此,為因應全球化的競爭,各國致力於相關政策的推動並協助各產業進行數位轉型。如何將產線工具機上的數據蒐集並整合至SCADA系統進行儲存與利用,為數位轉型的第一步。實務上,因工廠內設備數量多,且須依需求進行客製化,因此資訊系統的整合曠時費力,導入SCADA系統更加困難。在台灣,中小企業缺乏系統整合的專業資訊人才,如何加速資訊系統導入,成了各產業迫切的課題。本研究整理OPC UA資料交換標準的資料格式,並結合其於常用的圖像呈現方式與跨平台的使用者介面,開發一套 Low-Code SCADA 作業平台,使用者僅須具備基本資訊能力即可進行開發,經實驗驗證,本系統可減低80%以上的開發成本,有效加速企業資訊平台整合與導入效能。



The SCADA system is responsible for integrating the production information of an entire factory, which is the first step to enter smart manufacturing. To build up the system, existing development methods require the integration of multiple technologies, such as programming, database, and UI design. This research implemented a Low-code SCADA development system by combining the OPC UA standard and the display interface of common data types. In this system, the display elements were pre-built as modular icons. Through the data definition of OPC UA, we came to know the meaning of each data item. When developing SCADA, the developer can simply drag the pre-built icons onto the canvas and bind with data to complete quickly. In practice, this system can reduce the time and labor costs required by actual SCADA development.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, Low-Code Develop, SCADA, OPC UA

發布日期: 2023/04/11
發布人員: 薛淑真