

點閱次數: 248

近年來由於虛擬實境(virtual reality)與3D列印的盛行,加上相關設備逐漸平價,近而促使相關應用普及。傳統的醫學影像是以2D方式呈現,但若能透過頭戴式立體顯示器(head mounted display)以虛擬實境立體顯示(stereo display)方式來呈現3D醫學影像會更加真實。本研究使用頭戴式立體顯示器(HTC Vive)配合體感控制器(Vive Controller)發展一套3D醫學影像互動系統。系統除了可以讓醫生可以直覺的方式觀察病患的患部,也可以讓使用者透過3D互動的方式圈選感興趣的組織部位以進行3D建模。建模時提供模型簡化演算法,在不影響模型品質下將模型的三角型數量減到最少,以提升顯示及計算效率。此外,也可將3D模型輸出成STL檔案格式,透過3D印表機輸出人體器官組織模型。本研究可以應用在醫學教學、手術模擬演練上,除了減少大體老師的需求也可以增進醫病信任關係。


The recent development of virtual reality and 3D printing technology, along with the ever-lowering costs of hardware, has popularized related applications. The conventional display of medical images is 2D-based. Yet, when it is upgraded to 3D-based one with devices of head-mounted-display and stereopsis aided by virtual reality, these images can be more vividly viewed by human subjects. In this study, we implemented a 3D-interactive system on medical images built upon the commercially available HTC Vive head-mounted-display, incorporating a kinesthetic-triggered Vive controller. This system could allow physicians to view more freely the bodily parts (both in healthy and diseased conditions), and to interactively outline the desired anatomical structures for 3D modeling. Optimization with simplified computation algorithms (minimizing the number of surface-constituent triangles) speeded up the 3D modeling procedure without jeopardizing the visual perceived quality of the model results. Moreover, the resultant 3D models of human anatomical parts had the output format of STL, which could be readily printed out as 3D objects. The present system we have developed can be applied widely to medical education and simulated surgery, easing the need for human corpses in the teaching of gross anatomy and enhancing patients' trust in physicians by facilitating their communication on surgical treatments.
Keywords: Medical Imaging, Virtual Reality, Model Simplification, 3D Printing

發布日期: 2023/04/11
發布人員: 薛淑真