

公告類型: 工程科學類8-1
點閱次數: 233


腦電圖ElectroencephalographyEEG)的研究越發興盛,常被研究的有P300,失匹配負波(mismatch negativityMMN)以及關聯性負變化(contingent negative variationCNV)等等。MMN的產生是偏差聲音刺激減去標準偏差刺激所得出的事件相關電位(event-related potentialsERP波形。為了瞭解在聲音刺激下注意力是否會對腦波波形有變化,本研究共有15位志願者來參與此研究,實驗有兩部分(注意實驗與非注意實驗),每部分都有五個區段,偏差刺激機率分別有50%40%30%20%以及10%,每部分聲音刺激實驗時間各約為57分鐘。結果顯示,注意實驗中在200ms時會比非注意實驗中有明顯突出的負波,在注意實驗裡在300ms左右會有一個正波,然而在注意實驗實在200ms左右產生的MMN波形都來的比非注意實驗大。
關鍵詞: 腦電圖、事件相關電位、失匹配負波


Electroencephalography (EEG) research is becoming more and more prosperous. P300, mismatch negativity (MMN), and contingent negative variation (CNV) have been repeatedly studied. MMN is generated as the event-related potential (ERP) waveform obtained by subtracting the standard stimulus from the deviated sound stimulus. In order to understand whether attention can change brain waveforms under sound stimuli, this study had a total of 15 volunteers participating in its research. There were two experiments (attention and inattention), each of which had five sections with different deviation probabilities of 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, and 10%, respectively, and each took about 57 minutes. The results showed that in the attention experiment, there was a negative wave at about 200ms that was significantly more prominent than that in the inattention experiment. In the attention experiment, there was a positive wave around 300ms.The MMN waveform generated about 200ms in the attention experiment was larger than that in the inattention experiment.
Keywords: Electroencephalography (EEG), Event-related potentials (ERPs), Mismatch negative (MMN)

發布日期: 2023/04/11
發布人員: 薛淑真