

公告類型: 工程科學類7-2
點閱次數: 276


隨著流行音樂產業的蓬勃發展,在注重音樂聲光效果的需求下,音樂製作公司也越來越注重利用不同音樂風格與現場情境氛圍結合,讓觀眾沉浸在預先設計過的情境音樂當中,充分享受視覺與聽覺融合的完整呈現。因此本研究蒐集目前流行音樂最常演出的八種曲風,透過十二種色系、五種情緒形容詞來做問卷調查,並依據此原則,進一步分析樂曲中所呈現的八種音樂元素特徵,來了解其與觀眾聆聽的情感反應關聯性,建立以「流行音樂情境氛圍設計研究」為主題的原創性、系統性研究方法,提供演唱會設計人員能針對特定情境氛圍快速掌握各種曲風的音樂表現與燈光效果,期能透過本文所建立的研究方法與程序,做為未來人工智慧 AI 音樂互動設計的模組化流程之核心基礎研究與產業應用。


With the thriving development of the popular music industry and the need for sound and light effects, music production companies are attaching more importance to the merging of different music styles with the contextual atmosphere of the performance venue so that audiences can become more immersed in the predesigned contextual music and fully enjoy the complete visual-auditory presentation. We collected eight styles of music that are currently the most common in popular music and conducted a questionnaire survey involving twelve color systems and five types of emotional adjectives. We further analyzed the elements and characteristics of the eight styles of music and examined how audiences responded to them emotionally. In this way, we established an original and systematic research method regarding the design of contextual atmospheres for popular music so as to enable concert designers to swiftly grasp the musical performance and lighting effects for different styles of music and certain contextual atmospheres. It is hoped that the research methods and procedures established in this study can serve as the foundation for future research and industrial applications of modularized procedures in future AI music interactive design.
Keywords: Popular Music, Contextual Atmosphere Design, Music Characteristic, Emotional Response to Music, Lighting Design
發布日期: 2022/11/22
發布人員: 薛淑真