
數位音頻振幅規模建立—以Avid Pro Tools工作站為例

公告類型: 工程科學類7-2
點閱次數: 259

隨著數位音頻技術之迅速發展,以往昂貴的高階設備現今於價格越來越友善的前提,於處理音頻之模組與客製化的功能亦越發強大。而消費級用戶該如何將聲音妥善記錄至載體?於此最初期的工作階段,卻常見諸多疑問。是以妥適振幅規(amplitude scale)的建立,在製作初期堪稱決定作品成敗的重要環節。本研究目的在探討使用麥克風或DIdirect input)錄音時必須注意之基礎工作建立。研究方向採用全球指標獎項葛萊美音樂獎與奧斯卡電影金像獎得獎者高度使用於影音製作之Avid Pro Tools音頻工作站為研究平台,分析錄音流程與振幅規模建立。本研究結論可建議進行錄音與剪輯工序時,如何優化物理條件、應用類比器材與使用數位音頻套件,以確保於錄音階段建立良好振幅規模俾利後續剪輯、混音與母帶處理。


With the rapid developments of the audio technology, under the premise that former expensive high-end equipment is more affordable nowadays, the modules and customized functions for processing audio have also become more powerful. As for how should consumer-level users record audio to carriers properly? In the initial working period, many questions have had been found commonly. Thus, proper establishments of the amplitude scales can be regarded as the important parts for determining the subsequent successes or failures of the work in the prime stage of productions. This research explored the attentions which must be paid when doing audio recording employing microphones or DI (Direct Input) for the basic task establishments. The research adopted the Avid Pro Tools digital audio workstation, the highly used workstation by the winners of the global indicator awards, Grammy and Oscars in audio-visual productions, as the research platform to analyze the audio recording processes and the establishments of the amplitude scales. The conclusions of this research suggest how to optimize the physical conditions, the applications of analog equipment, and the uses of audio processing suites during audio recording and editing processes, ensuring to establish eminent amplitude scales at the recording period for facilitating the subsequent editing, mixing and mastering tasks.
Keywords: Amplitude Scale, Digital Audio Workstation, Gain, Input Level, Normalization

發布日期: 2022/11/22
發布人員: 薛淑真