

公告類型: 工程科學類7-2
點閱次數: 256

品牌在企業競爭中扮演重要的角色,良好的商標是建立強大品牌的第一步驟,商標的演化有助於企業重新掌握品牌定位(brand position)。本研究透過問卷調查與眼動儀(Eye tracking)的熱區實驗,探討STARBUCKS商標最具代表性的三個時期(分別為:1971/ 1992/ 2011)的演進情形。研究結果顯示Sample 2 (1992年版)在各項指標中,優於Sample 3 (2011)Sample 1 (1971)。不論由設計指標(design index)或消費者的觀測熱區(hot area)及軌跡(track)等,均顯示Sample 2 (1992年版)所形成之視覺綜效最大。從演化的角度來看,商標的逐代更新,將有利於企業的形象更符合當代的視覺美學與需求。


Brand plays an important role in corporate competition. A good trademark is the first step in building a strong brand. The evolution of trademark helps the enterprise to regain the brand position. This study explored the evolution of trademarks of STARBUCKS during the three most representative periods (1971/1992/2011 respectively) through questionnaire surveys and hot area experiment of Eye tracking. The results showed that Sample 2 (1992 version) surpassed Sample 3 (2011 version) and Sample 1 (1971 version) in different index. Sample 2 (1992 version) showed the highest visual synergy, whether in terms of the design index or observing hot area for consumers or track. From the perspective of evolution, the renewal of trademark from generation to generation would help the image of the enterprise more conform to the contemporary visual aesthetics and needs.
Keywords: Brand Position, Design Index, Hot Area, Track; Brand Evolution

發布日期: 2022/11/22
發布人員: 薛淑真