

公告類型: 社會科學類7-1
點閱次數: 322


關鍵詞 大學英語課程全英語教學雙語師資培育


This study aimed to explore how the implementation of the bilingual teaching approach (i.e., lectures delivered in English plus Chinese definitions of specialized terms presented in PPTs) contributes to college students’ learning performance. In the process, 28 students were divided into groups completing group tasks in class, did a personal mid-term report and a group final report, related to English song teaching in the course Instruction in Children's Songs and Nursery Rhymes. A questionnaire of two parts was implemented at the end of the course, including multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. Findings showed that the English-Medium Instruction can enrich the learning of theory and practical application, improve listening and report skills, affect understanding of special terms and cause learning apprehension. Based on these findings, this study proposes several strategies to improve college English instruction.
Keywords: College English Teaching, English-Medium Instruction, Bilingual Teacher Education

發布日期: 2022/09/14
發布人員: 薛淑真