

公告類型: 社會科學類7-1
點閱次數: 278


網路商店大多數是以自身經驗值或參考同業服務內容來進行服務之提供。然而;當科技進步與消費意識快速抬頭,網路業者積極提供大量的服務內容包含了傳統的商業模式與一些創新的服務內容。但是哪一些服務內容才是消費者最為重視的部分呢? 值得我們探討的重要議題。本研究利用模糊層級分析法,從消費者的觀點建立「服務指標權重體系」,了解各服務指標在消費者心中的相對權重值。此外;並找出權重值大於5%的服務指標定義關鍵服務指標」。研究顯示兩個重要結果1關鍵服務指標」共有六項分別為「支付安全性」「隱私權」「商品品質」「促銷活動與免運(購物回饋)」「出貨正確度」與「品牌信譽」。(2 業者為了增加信息分享與商品體驗所提供的兩項服務:「社群行銷連結」與「實體通路店面(線上線下)」,卻意外地在待評估的24項指標中,分別只排序第16位與第17位。此結果可以讓業者做為未來建構或改善服務模式的重要參考。


    Most online stores provide services based on their own experience or by referring to the services offerings of their peers. However, with the rapid rise of technology and consumer awareness, online businesses are actively offering a variety of services, including traditional business models and some innovative services. But what services do consumers value? This is a key issue to be explored. This study used the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to establish a "service index weighting system" from consumers’ perspective to understand the relative weighting of each service indicator. In addition, the service index with a weight value greater than 5% was defined as a "key service index". The research revealed two important findings: (1) There are six “Key Service Indicators, namely “Payment Security,” “Privacy,” “Product Quality,” “Promotions and Free Shipping (Shopping Rewards),” “Shipment Accuracy,” and “Brand Reputation.” (2) Two service indicators provided by the industry to enhance information sharing and product experience: “Social Marketing Links” and “Physical Channel Storefronts (Online to Offline)” were unexpectedly ranked only 16th and 17th respectively among the 24 indicators to be evaluated. The results of this research can serve as an important reference for the industry to construct or improve the service models in the future.

Keywords: Service Index Weighting System, Key Service Index, FAHP
發布日期: 2022/09/14
發布人員: 薛淑真