

公告類型: 社會科學類7-1
點閱次數: 304




Due to the long-term decline in global interest rates, more and more investors in Taiwan are replacing time deposits with regular stock deposits. This paper aimed to discusses from the perspective of long-term stock deposit whether value stocks or growth stocks are more suitable as the target of long-term stock deposit. The results showed that the growth-stock groups under different categories have significant positive excess returns in the current month, while the value-stock groups have significant negative excess returns. However, the subsequent performance of the growth stocks is worse than that of the value stocks. The four value-stock groups have positive excess returns under the three-factor model, so it can be said that the growth (value) stocks may be bought overvalued (undervalued). Therefore, the so-called reversal effect can easily occur after the market returns to rationality. The results showed that the reversal effect is evident for both growth and value stocks, regardless of the length of holding time (1 month to 10 years). In terms of holding content, the growth (value) group tends to hold winner (loser) stocks, stocks with relatively low (high) book-to- market price ratios and small (large) firm sizes. We also found that value stocks perform better than growth stocks when the stock market is in a bear market or when interest rates are in a downtrend. The difference between this paper and the previous literature is that, in addition to analyzing the long-term performance of value stocks and growth stocks, this paper further analyzed the factors that affect their relative performance.
Keywords: Stock Depositing, Growth Stocks, Value Stocks, Reversal Effect, Book to Market Price Ratio 

發布日期: 2022/09/14
發布人員: 薛淑真