
台灣觀光旅館內場師徒功能對工作壓力及離職傾向之影響—以工作價值觀為中介變項Impact of Mentoring on Kitchen Staff Work Stress and Turnover Intention Using Work Values as a Mediator

公告類型: 社會科學類6-2
點閱次數: 333




This study adopts social support theory to explore the effects of mentoring on kitchen staff work stress and turnover intention in Taiwan tourism hotels. Moreover, this study examines whether the work values have a mediating effect on the variables mentioned earlier. A survey questionnaire was distributed to the kitchen staff of Taiwan's tourism hotels, and 278 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that mentoring has a negative influence on the work stress and turnover intention; the work stress has a positive impact on turnover intention, and the work values have a mediating effect on the work stress and turnover intention. The results found that appropriate mentoring can reduce kitchen staff's work stress and turnover intention, and improving the work values can also help them reduce the turnover intention. The outcome of this research can provide practical advice to human resources departments of Taiwan tourism hotels as a reference to set up a mentorship guidance plan.

Keywords: The Theory of Social Support, Mentoring Function, Work Stress, Work Values, Turnover Intention

發布日期: 2022/03/30
發布人員: 薛淑真