
公司治理與套利者需求 對企業選擇可轉債和現金增資之影響The Impact of Corporate Governance and Arbitrageur's Demand on Firms’ Choice of Convertible Bonds and Seasoned Equity Offerings

公告類型: 社會科學類6-2
點閱次數: 292




This study investigates the influence of corporate governance and arbitrageurs’ demand on firms’ choice between convertible bonds and seasoned equity, using a sample of Taiwanese-listed firms that issued securities between 2008 and 2015. It found that firms that issue convertible bonds have lower debt ratio, higher profitability, weaker corporate governance and higher short-selling ratio in the month of issuance than firms with seasoned equity offerings. Moreover, according to the results of multiple logistic regression analysis, this study found that firms with weak corporate governance are more likely to issue convertible bonds rather than seasoned equity. On the other hand, firms with more arbitrageurs’ demand are more likely to issue convertible bonds rather than seasoned equity.
Keywords: Convertible Bond, Seasoned Equity Offerings, Corporate Governance, Arbitrageurs

發布日期: 2022/03/30
發布人員: 薛淑真