
健康意識、身體形象與運動對控制體重行為意圖之影響The Influences of Health Consciousness, Body Image and Exercises on Weight-Control Behavioral Intention

公告類型: 社會科學類6-1
點閱次數: 376


現今肥胖人數迅速增加,而肥胖會引發許多的健康問題,控制體重也成為健康/休閒管理的重要議題。本研究旨在探討有助於個人健康維護與增進控制體重意願的因素,因此提出了兩個個人因素(健康意識和身體形象)和運動的調節因素(運動自我效能,運動益處和運動障礙)可以增強個人控制體重的行為意圖。本研究採用網路問卷方式進行調查,共得344份有效樣本。結果顯示個人的健康意識對控制體重的行為意圖有正向的直接效果。身體形象對控制體重的態度和行為意圖也皆有正向的影響。人們對控制體重的態度與他們的行為意圖也有正向的關係。此外,運動因素的調節效果也有其顯著,運動自我效能和運動益處都可以增強個人因素(健康意識與身體形象)對控制體重行為意圖的影響;font-family: '新細明體',serif,'Times New Roman'">然而運動障礙的調節效果並沒有顯著。


The population of obese people is increasing rapidly nowadays. This study aims to explore the factors that help individual’s health care and weight-control behaviors. It suggests two antecedents from personal concerns: health consciousness and body image, and the moderating roles of exercise factors: exercise self-efficacy, exercise benefits and exercise barriers, that could enhance individual’s willingness of weight-control. Convenient sampling was conducted. A total of 344 usable samples through on-line surveys were obtained. The results indicate that health consciousness has a positive effect on weight-control behavioral intention. Body image has positive effects on attitude towards weight-control and on weight-control behavioral intention. In addition, the moderating roles of exercise factors are also salient. Both exercise self-efficacy and exercise benefits can enhance the influences of personal factors on weight-control behavioral intention. However, the moderating role of exercise barriers is insignificant.

Keyword: Health Consciousness, Body Image, Weight-Control, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Exercise Benefits, Exercise Barriers

發布日期: 2022/03/30
發布人員: 薛淑真