
網路虛擬實境展示中感性工學的視覺意象傳達 -以「下代基因」A Study on the Visual Image of the Exhibition in the Metaverse: Architectural Cluster Design Case建築集群設計為例

公告類型: 工程科學類6-1
點閱次數: 418

隨著網路虛擬實境的發展,逐漸在其中出現各種與真實世界相同的活動,例如設計教育、合作設計、設計成果展示等。而另一方面,全球化的浪潮導致跨國設計展覽變得更為頻繁,其中集群設計也成為最近建築設計領域的一種新興設計交流模式。然而過往在視覺意象研究中,以感性工學的觀點探討產品設計已經出現許多的研究。但是針對網路虛擬實境中的設計成果展示,卻尚未有設計溝通觀點的研究。因此當前設計溝通研究的領域中,網路虛擬實境中的視覺意象傳達已經成為刻不容緩的任務。本研究於網路虛擬實境中建構一個虛擬展示空間,期間展示台灣澳底的「下代基因 Next Gene」建築集群設計案,並分析設計師欲傳達的設計概念與參觀者所感受之視覺意象兩者之間的關係。透過本文的研究歷程,期望能補足對於視覺意象研究在網路虛擬實境展示中的知識缺口。



With the development of Metaverse, various activities similar to the real world have gradually appeared in it, such as design education, cooperative design, and display of design results. On the other hand, the wave of globalization has caused transnational design exhibitions to become more frequent, among which cluster design has also become an emerging design communication model in the field of architectural design. However, there have been many studies on product design in visual image research from the perspective of perceptual engineering. Yet, there is still no research on design communication for design exhibitions in the Metaverse. Therefore, in the field of design communication research, the communication of visual images in the Metaverse has become an urgent task. This research constructs an exhibition space in the Metaverse to show the "Next Gene" architectural cluster design plan in Taiwan's Macao; it also analyzes the relationship between the design concepts of designers and the visual images of visitors. It is hoped that through the research process of this article, the knowledge gap in visual image research of design exhibitions in the Metaverse could be filled.

Keywords: Metaverse, Visual Image, Design Communication, Design Exhibition, Cluster Design, Kansei Engineering

發布日期: 2021/09/23
發布人員: 薛淑真