
使用McCall模型評估視障者基於ROS的個人輔助設備Using the McCall Model to Evaluate ROS-based Personal Assistive Devices for the Visually Impaired

公告類型: 工程科學類6-2
點閱次數: 366





Personal assistive devices are important for the visually impaired and blind people (VIBs) in providing both safe mobility and inclusivity. Many research and commercially available assistive devices were task-specific or developed for a certain environment. However, in developing countries, these task-specific and highly priced devices are unattainable. Therefore, the research aims to develop a personal assistive device (PAD) for the visually impaired and blind (VIB) platform on a robot operating system (ROS) based modular architecture. This will allow local developers to quickly develop assistive devices that can be customized for use in local communities. The research will use the McCall model to evaluate the software quality use in assistive devices. Subsequently, a PAD was developed using the ROS framework that can perform object detection, reading assistant and point cloud data gathering. Subsequently, a mobile application was developed for the VIB user. The application for the VIB would be used as the main interface for the PAD and further provide additional mobile app-based system features to enhance the safety and mobility of the user. The research demonstrated the potential of the ROS platform in developing tailor-fit assistive devices. 

Keywords: Visually Impaired and Blind (VIB), Personal Assistive Device (PAD), Robot Operating System (ROS), Mobile Application
發布日期: 2021/09/23
發布人員: 薛淑真