專題素養導向之工程倫理教學行動研究The Senior Project Competency Oriented Action Research on Engineering Ethics Courses

公告類型: 社會科學類5-2
點閱次數: 383


實務專題是很多科系學院最後的綜整課程,讓學生從開始發現問題到最後展示報告,歷經完整的自主學習。然而大學課程多是以老師對學生的單方向知識或技能傳授為主,沒有給予學生專題素養培訓的情況,最後一哩路的實務專題學習,學生常常難以完成任務。本文使用行動研究法,目的是探討專題素養於單一課程培力之可行性,分為兩個學期進行,108-1 學期進行「專題領導合作與敘事力」課程,以五位機械系老師與四位非機械專長的跨領域合作,針對機械實務專題的現況做探討;108-2學期延續該研究成果,進行「工程倫理與社會」課程實踐,研究樣本人數43 位:4 位女性、39 位男性,探究在現行體制下賦能學生實務專題素養教學之可行性,包括實踐專題素養(創意、團隊合作、溝通、批判性思考、自主行動)相對應之教學活動與課程評量、並探究課程以能源議題為專業內涵之目標是否達到等。結果顯示,以提問式與專題式教學,在課程目標的能源議題認知與情意層面皆有提升。實務專題的本質即為素養導向,協助頂石位階的實務專題課程成功,就是大學四年教育目標的達成。



The senior project is the final comprehensive course of many departments, allowing college students to complete their self-study from the beginning of problem identification to the final presentation of the report. However, college courses are mostly teacher-centered, without providing students with the training of project-competency, so students often find the challenge of their senior project insurmountable. This is action research with a goal to explore the feasibility of project-competency in a single course, divided into two semesters. Frist, “Senior Project-Leadership, Collaboration and Narrative” course was on the agenda in 108-1 semester to explore the current situation of the senior project for students of mechanical engineering. Five mechanical and four non-mechanical engineering professors were involved in this cross-disciplinary cooperation together. In the 108-2 semester, as the research continued, project competency training focused on "Engineering· Ethics and Society" course practice to explore the feasibility of empowering students with project-oriented competency teaching. The competency as such includes creativity, collaboration, communication, criticality thinking and spontaneity. The study sample consisted of 43 students: 4 females and 39 males. The results showed that the cognitive and affective aspects of the course objectives were enhanced through the use of question-based and topic-based teaching. As the essence of the “Senior Undergraduate Project” is competency-oriented, the success of this capstone course is a fulfillment in higher education.
Keywords: Collaboration, Spontaneity, Energy Issue, Senior Project

發布日期: 2021/09/01
發布人員: 薛淑真