運用最佳化模式探討外包業務稽查─以醫院外包稽核為例Investigating Outsourcing Job Management Auditing through an Optimization Model─The Evidence of Outsourcing Job in a Hospital

公告類型: 社會科學類5-1
點閱次數: 400

醫院將非醫療核心業務外包已是成本控制不得不為的重要策略。為確保外包執行品質減少合約風險,擬定稽核計劃、實施稽查、發現問題進而改善缺失,PDCA循環式促使外包品質持續改善,為各企業管理外包的常規作法。對於擬定外包稽核計劃、實施稽查過程中,如何避免(1)因人工經驗方式的安排,導致稽查比規劃時間過早結束或因稽查時間延長影響外包公司日常營運;(2)由於非有系統之稽查人員編派,容易造成相同稽查人員至同家外包廠商稽核次數增加同質性太高而無法達到普查外包公司目的,失去定期稽查之意義,卻少有文獻探討。針對上述問題,本研究提出以三項最佳化模式進行改善,並以個案醫院之外包業務聯合稽查作業為例,擬定合適的年度稽核規劃,將外包公司進行分群、稽查順序安排以及查核人員編派,使用LINGO數學規劃套裝軟體求解模式並將結果導出至Microsoft Excel軟體分析。研究結果顯示,的確可以改善以往人工經驗編派作法,時間及品質難以掌握問題,提供決策者實施查核作業時規劃參考。


The hospital suffers more severe pressure and a higher demand for their operational management. Therefore, more and more non-healthcare related services are considered to be outsourced. In order to have good implementation effects of outsourcing suppliers, an audit team which aimed to identify problems and improve outsourcing quality was set up for the task of internal auditing each quarter. However, the assignment of auditing manpower practically depends upon the management’s experiences, which is deficient in either systematical or scientific basis and thus leads to drawbacks of, for example, unfair assignment of manpower, time wasting, slow job progress, etc. To satisfy particular demands and prerequisite conditions for the auditing outsourcing suppliers assignment of manpower, this study develops three optimal assignment model using integer regression, where the LINGO software is adapted for problem solving. The model was evaluated with hospital outsourcing management as a case study. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to traditional methods using heuristics solution in terms of the fairness and the efficiency of manpower assignment.

Keywords: Outsourcing Job Management Auditing, Shortest Path Arrangement, Manpower Allocation, Optimization

發布日期: 2021/08/09
發布人員: 薛淑真