
輔以增強型不對稱諧振調變技術之壓電換能器 驅動電路於超音波離合器開發Development of Piezoelectric Transducers Driving Circuit with an Enhanced Asymmetric Resonance Modulation Mechanism for Ultrasonic Clutch

公告類型: 工程科學類5-2
點閱次數: 731





This paper proposes a piezoelectric transducers driving circuit with an enhanced asymmetric resonance modulation mechanism for ultrasonic clutch application. The motivation of the research lies in the engagement functions of ultrasonic clutch which often achieved by using high current in transducer driving. This method causes the rotary bearing subject extreme rotational torque and radiated plane friction during the fast clutch engagement. It also failed to provide the mechanism of soft start, and increased complexity of circuit and control design. Consequently, this research aims to adopt an asymmetric resonance driving loop with both additional flexible dual resonant tank and the transformers design procedure in order to save the use of resonance components and establish an unbalanced drive voltage supply for the transducer. In addition, the enhanced resonance modulation technique is also proposed in this study featuring the synchronous regulation of the current amplitude and its frequency in transducers. By means of the aforementioned technique, the adjustment and rotary soft start can be achieved by controlling the displacement amplitude of clutch while the plane friction can be improved. Through the simulation analysis and the hardware circuit testing, the experimental results have validated this good performance including transducer vibration and displacement linearity of the presented asymmetric resonance modulation mechanism. The researching achievements are deemed as beneficial references for the ultrasonic clutch system design.

Keywords: Piezoelectric Transducers, Asymmetric Resonance, Modulation Technique, Ultrasonic Clutch

發布日期: 2020/11/04
發布人員: 薛淑真