
iTape:應用於高單價與易碎品物流運送偵測之 智慧聯網膠帶iTape: An Intelligent Tape for Monitoring High Price and Fragile Cargos Shipment

點閱次數: 414

摘 要




In recent years, the emergence of e-commerce has led to increasing demands and transactions of e-commerce. E-commerce has been accepted by many people. Hence, many people purchase high-priced products via e-commerce today. However, how to ensure the safety of high-priced or fragile cargos turns out to be the main issue that the current logistics industry should consider and concern. To solve the above-mentioned problems, this study proposes an intelligent tape, named iTape, for monitoring high-priced and fragile cargos during the transportation process. The proposed iTape can replace the current existing tapes used in the packaging of cargo boxes, so that it can be detected in real time if the high-priced or fragile goods are severely dropped or stolen (the tape is torn) during the delivery process. The experimental results proved that the proposed iTape could detect and record the heavy drop or tape tearing events. As a result, the proposed iTape can help the logistics industry to improve the delivery services of high-price and fragile cargos and subsequently clarify the attribution of responsibilities in the events of loss or damage in the cargo delivery so as to enhance their market competitiveness.

Keywords: Intelligent Logistics, Internet of Things (IoT), Resistive Pressure Sensor, Cargo Dispatch, Cargo Shipment, E-commerce, Intelligent Logistics Monitoring System

發布日期: 2020/11/04
發布人員: 薛淑真