

公告類型: 工程科學類5-1
點閱次數: 429


本研究意探究具產品設計職涯經歷,具備工作年資之資深設計人員與未經職涯訓練,無工作經驗與相關年資之生手設計人員、以及生手設計團隊三者間對於產品設計思考流程之差異。本研究以放聲思考的實驗方式進行觀察與比較,並在研究中收集相關語彙與影片,訪談資料以質性歸納分析法進行,以分析比較不同受測組之差異。研究結果發現:(1)資深設計師執行設計專案之目標果斷且明確,設計思考的過程具深度與廣度,大量應用既有之經驗與知識,降低重複嘗試錯誤的流程,決策果斷,效率最佳。 2)設計生手獨自執行專案時,會反覆確認設計目標且多所猶疑,於設計過程中無知識與經驗之應用,效率較低,但整體仍維持在固定之方向與範圍內執行。(3)設計生手團隊執行專案時,會在問題分析、設計提案、定案、翻盤、重新提案之間不斷重複,難以下判斷與決定,缺乏整合能力,易受團隊成員影響,無法鎖定特定方向,效率最差。期許本研究提供學術教育模式省思與企業組織設計團隊之參考。



This study explores the differences in the design thinking process among a professional product designer, a novice product designer and a novice product design team. Taking leather design as an example, this study implemented the think-aloud and interview research methods in the experiment. All relevant verbal data and sketches were collected and analyzed by qualitative inductive analysis. The results showed that (1) Professional designers are project-oriented with a clear perspective and are the most efficient. They sufficiently apply their experiences and knowledge with a deep and broad design thinking process in order to reduce trial and error. (2) Novice designers repeatedly question and confirm the design direction when performing projects independently. Experiences and knowledge are used less frequently than professional designers during the design thinking process. They have lower efficiency in performing the project but the overall implementation remains within a reasonable range and direction. (3) The project performance and efficiency are the worst when novice designers perform a project together as a team. They encounter difficulty in team integration and are repeatedly trapped in the process of problem analysis, design proposal and design decision. It is expected that this study will be able to serve as a reference for the reflection on the academic education model and the enterprise’s design team organization.

Keyword Qualitative Research, Product Design, Leather Design, Think Aloud, Qualitative Analysis, Verbal Data Analysis, Design Thinking 

發布日期: 2020/11/04
發布人員: 薛淑真