
VR道路場景應用於行人穿越道路決策行為之評估測試The Application of Virtual Reality in a Traffic Road Setting to Evaluate Decision Making Behavior during Pedestrian Road-crossing

公告類型: 工程科學類5-1
點閱次數: 421


在許多國家當中,行人的交通事故發生一直都居高不下。當行人穿越道路時,需要複雜的認知系統來解讀道路交通訊息,判斷是否正確的穿越道路。目前虛擬實境(virtual reality, VR)的發展應用已經相當普遍,對這項技術也報有極大的關注,在許多廣泛的領域都能夠發現它的應用,已然成為具有相當潛力的新產業。因此,本研究將探討沉浸式虛擬實境,在穿越道路實驗給予的臨場感以及實驗當下與過後之感受差異。研究邀請30位受試者進行測試VR穿越道路決策系統,探討穿越道路時所作出的決策能力,接受安全與危險交通劇本交替之測驗,並分析受試者穿越道路之決策,本研究結果將可給予未來模擬實驗環境設計時的參考。



Traffic accidents involving pedestrians have remained high in many countries. Complex cognitive processes are required by the pedestrians to interpret information from the road and the flow of traffic in order to plan for and execute a safe and timely crossing. On the other hand, the applications of virtual reality have been extensive in recent years as enormous attention has been paid to this technology and its use has been proven in fields far and wide, making it a new industry with boundless potential. Therefore, this study investigated the sense of realism in a pedestrian road-crossing experiment via immersive virtual reality, as well as any differences in the subjects’ experience during and after the experiment. To this end, this study recruited thirty subjects to undergo a virtual reality road-crossing experiment in which both low- and high-risk traffic scenario scripts were alternated and the decision making processes were analyzed. Results of this study can provide invaluable information to guide future virtual reality set designs to simulate traffic roads.

Keywords: Pedestrian, Road-crossing, Virtual Reality, Immersive Experience

發布日期: 2020/11/04
發布人員: 薛淑真