
社群貼文分享效應:貼文特性與雙重來源可信度之研究The Impacts of Post Characteristics and Dual Source Credibility on Sharing Intention in a Social Media

公告類型: 社會科學類4-2
點閱次數: 395

社群網站的興起,個人與企業紛紛透過社群網站來建立彼此的關係,並經由網路平台互相傳遞與分享訊息。訊息傳輸過程中,不同訊息來源與訊息特性皆會影響到溝通的預期效應。本研究以訊息特性對社群網站貼文的分享意願之影響做為基礎,另加入雙重來源可信度為干擾變數,進一步掌握貼文在社群網站上的分享及傳播。本研究針對社群網站使用者進行調查,共取得258 份有效樣本。研究結果發現,貼文實用性與貼文趣興性均對分享意願有顯著正向影響,而貼文趣興性的影響大於訊息實用性。原貼者可信度與轉貼者可信度均無顯著之分享效應,但兩者均對貼文趣興性之分享效應有顯著之負向干擾效果。此一結果除了確認雙重可信度之現象,更是與線上社群溝通之特殊性有關,值得進一步探討。



With the rise of social media, individuals and companies are keen to establish relationships with others and share information on the internet. In a communication process, message sources and message characteristics will affect the expected effect of communication. In addition, the recipients become reposters to share message with others. As result, the two-stages communication model is achieved and realized in a social networking. Usefulness and playfulness are two major characteristics in a message. Message sources in social media include an original poster and more than one forwarding reposter. In view of dual sources of a message in a social networking, post characteristics and dual source credibility are examined in the study. We obtained 258 valid subjects in 6 experiment sessions. The results show that both post usefulness and the post playfulness have significantly positive effects on sharing intention. The latter, playfulness, seems to be the focal point in a message. Source credibility have no moderating effect on post usefulness. A useful content will be shared regardless of source credibility in a message. However, a significantly negative moderating effect of dual source credibility is found on post playfulness. The message contents in a social networking should take attention to such an unexpected effect to earn more sharing.

Keywords: Social Media, Message Characteristics, Source Credibility, Message Sharing

發布日期: 2020/11/04
發布人員: 薛淑真