
自行車騎士休閒動機與休閒效益之研究— 以大目降自行車道為例A Study on the Leisure Motivation and Leisure Benefits of Bikers: A Case of the Tavocan Bike Lane

公告類型: 社會科學類4-1
點閱次數: 575





Tavocan Line Blue Bike Lane offers a panoramic view of Hutoupi Secnic Area. Different bicycle lanes have their own special characteristic. This study explored the relationships between leisure motivation and leisure benefits of the bikers. This study aimed to construct and examine the nature of relationships between leisure motivation and leisure benefits. A convenience sample was employed for the study with 268 questionnaires collected from the bikers of Tavocan Bike Lane. Data was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The analytical results indicate the leisure motivation has a positive and significant effect on leisure benefits. Managerial implications and future research suggestions are proposed in this study as well.

Keywords: Bikers, Leisure Motivation, Leisure Benefits, Bike Lane
發布日期: 2019/11/01
發布人員: 薛淑真