
臺灣生活文化色彩的減鬱設計之應用探討 –以臺中空污議題為例The Application and Analysis of Depression Reduction Design on Colors of Culture and Life in Taiwan–A Case Study of Air Pollution Issues in Taichung

公告類型: 社會科學類4-1
點閱次數: 508

「減鬱設計」(depression reduction design),係以減低人心鬱悶感為主要訴求的設計。近年臺灣西半部民眾飽受空污戕害,臺中地區因火力發電廠排污問題,使人們生活鬱悶的指數升高,空污相關議題也引起民眾的熱切討論;短期內整體環境難以改善的無力感中,民眾積極嘗試尋求心靈慰藉之道,舉凡PM2.5防霾紗窗、淨污宅概念、淨污塔等生活硬體設施似能興起一時癒意,心理性柔感訴求的設計呼應生活需求而有所改變,文化設計如何符合環境的發展,都成為可深入研究與思考的方向。本研究以探討色彩對心靈影響產生的效應,透過與產學專家的訪談及問卷調查的歸納分析,並以Johannes Itten色彩論與Donald A. Norman設計心理學為學理基礎,經研究探討後驗證,色彩心理學運用於設計,可引導心靈溝通且減輕情緒鬱悶感。本研究同時建議兩項減低人心鬱悶的小確幸式設計:(1)政府文宣減少負向情緒色彩的使用、(2)建立正向情緒色彩的識別系統 (happy color system),以收減鬱之效,從而延續色彩以外載體為媒介,有助政策推廣緩急間的撫「鬱」,以達多管齊下之功。


Depression reduction design, as the name suggests, is a design technique to appeal to reduce depression. Recently, in the Greater Taichung area, the air pollution has led to a lot of discussions about the public’s soaring depression. With the sense of impotence facing the un-improvable overall environment in the near future, people are trying to seek mental solace. Hardware facilities, such as PM2.5 anti-smog window screens, smog-free residences, smog-free towers, seem to be helpful in this; then, would a design, as a software, that appeals to metal comfort has the same effect as its hardware counterpart? Based on the exploration of the influence of colors on people’s minds and an inductive analysis of the interviews with experts from industry and academy, this research has tried to bring up the design and application of reducing the public’s depression: in order to bring depression reduction into play, the government should lessen the usage of colors causing negative emotions in propaganda brochure and establish an identity system of colors suggesting positive emotions.

KeywordsReduce Melancholy Design, PM2.5, Air pollution, Chromatics, Cultural Design
發布日期: 2019/11/01
發布人員: 薛淑真