
應用平均頻譜峰度於模態振動訊號 進行軸承損壞診斷Applying the Mean Spectral Kurtosis to a Mode Vibration for the Bearing Defect Diagnosis

公告類型: 工程科學類4-2
點閱次數: 574

摘 要




This paper proposes that a mean spectral kurtosis analysis algorithm can be effectively applied to mode vibration for bearing defect diagnosis. First, the wavelet enveloping function is used to derive a mode vibration of bearing. Then, the mean spectral kurtosis analysis algorithm is applied to the mode vibration. Finally, the two dimensional diagram of window length vs. mean spectral kurtosis could be derived. The theoretical study shows that for normal bearing the mean spectral kurtosis is lower than 3 in the diagram, which is similar to the kurtosis of a random signal. On the other hand, for defect bearing the mean spectral kurtosis is higher than 3 in the diagram, which takes the shape of a pointed mountain peak and corresponds to the characteristics of bearing defect. Accordingly, the mean spectral kurtosis analysis algorithm could also identify the defect type of a bearing system.

Keywords: Bearing Defect, Wavelet Enveloping Function, Spectral Kurtosis, Mode Vibration

發布日期: 2020/03/03
發布人員: 薛淑真