
柑橘屬果皮揮發性香氣化合物分析之研究Analyses of Flavor Volatile Compounds from the Peel of Citrus Genus

公告類型: 工程科學類4-2
點閱次數: 510

柑橘屬植物為一被廣泛應用於天然芳香與藥用保健植物,本研究以溶劑萃取方法結合氣相層析質譜儀 (gas chromatographmass spectrometer, GC/MS)分析紅柚、白柚及文旦果皮中揮發性成分之組成,由實驗結果顯示紅柚、白柚及文旦果皮中揮發性成分皆含有高含量之limonene,其中又以紅柚果皮中含量最高。而limonene除了具有殺菌作用,對許多類型的癌症則具有良好的預防活性,更對病媒蚊具有抑制作用,因此,柚類果皮的揮發性物質之應用是值得我們去探討,以提高柚類的附加價值。



Citrus is a health plant widely used in natural aromas and medicinal applications. In this study, solvent extraction method is used along with gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC/MS) to analyze the composition of volatile components in the peels of Citrus genus (Red Pomelo, White Pomelo and Wendan Pomelo). The experimental results show that the volatile components in Red Pomelo, White Pomelo and Wendan Pomelo peel contain high content of limonene. Among them, the limonene content of Red Pomelo peel is the highest. In addition to its bactericidal action, limonene shows well–established preventive activities against many types of cancers. It also has an inhibitory effect on vector mosquitoes. The application of volatile substances in pomelo peels is worth investigating as it can increase the added value of pomelo.

Keywords: Rutaceae, Citrus Grandis, Volatile Compounds, Gas ChromatographMass Spectrometer
發布日期: 2020/03/03
發布人員: 薛淑真