
具視覺伺服架構之多軸飛行器於管道追蹤之研究Development of a Visual Servo Multirotor for Pipeline Tracking

公告類型: 工程科學類4-1
點閱次數: 548

本文以管道自動化檢測為目的,將單一網路攝影機裝載於Arduino架構之多軸飛行器上,利用影像處理對管道進行識別,並控制飛行器達到自動追蹤功能。管道影像透過高斯模糊、直方圖均衡化、二值化及邊緣檢測等預處理提高影像邊緣強度後,利用霍夫變換(Hough transform)提取邊緣特徵訊息,配合卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman filter)過濾特徵影像回饋給飛行器進行管道追蹤。最後,本文將使用真實管道進行實驗證明提出方法之高強健性與有效性。



In the process of pipeline inspection, the most critical is to achieve the automatic tracking of pipelines. Based on a monocular webcam, the detection and tracking system for an Arduino multirotor is proposed to realize autonomous cruise of pipelines. Firstly, according to the imaging characteristics of pipe images, every image of pipeline is processed by image binarization and canny edge detection algorithm to collect the boundary information of object. Secondly, shape characteristics of pipeline are obtained by Hough transform. The tracking of pipelines meanwhile are carried out according to the feature of pipeline by Kalman filter. Finally, some experiments are executed under different scenes whose results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed pipeline tracking system. The study demonstrates that the proposed pipeline tracking algorithm has good robustness and real–time performance.

Keywords: Automatic Inspection, Multirotor, Pipeline Tracking, Hough Transform, Kalman Filter
發布日期: 2019/05/24
發布人員: 薛淑真