
極端風況下風力機之結構負載分析與操作策略Operation Strategy and Load Analysis of the Wind Turbine under Extreme Wind Conditions

公告類型: 工程科學類4-1
點閱次數: 671


台灣多颱風的極端氣候對風力機造成很大的威脅。20158月初,蘇迪勒颱風(Shoulder)造成台中港區風場風力機組的嚴重破壞,多部機組倒塌或損毀。面對未來變化多端、越來越強烈的極端氣候,風力機的監控操作與運轉維護要如何因應,有必要進行深入的研究分析探討,並提出可能的因應方案。根據本研究分析,由於轉向系統的故障,導致機組無法迎風轉向(Yawing),使機組結構面臨極端異常的負載,進而導致葉片旋角機構被破壞。轉向系統(Yaw system)與旋角(Pitch system)系統在惡劣氣候下直接面對風的強大負載,是系統結構安全的第一線。因此本文針對兩個次系統進行詳細的受力負載分析,瞭解這兩個次系統所能承受的負載,並提出自保方法,可給予未來新設機組的設計參考。



Extreme weather such as very strong typhoons is a big threat to the wind turbines in Taiwan. In 2015, Typhoon Shoulder caused severe damage to the wind turbines near Taichung Harbor. As the weather is getting much stronger in the future, the solution to the operation and maintenance for wind turbines is very important and necessary. In this paper, the root cause of the failure has been found. The breakdown of the yaw system stopped the yaw motor and resulted in an abnormal overload to the blade pitching mechanism. The excessive load to the yaw and pitch system should be carefully evaluated under such extreme wind conditions. This paper gave thorough load analysis of these two sub systems and verified the possible ultimate load. Finally, this research devised a safer operation strategy which can be used as a design model for future new wind turbines.

Keywords: Wind Turbine, Structure Load, Operation Strategy, Pitch System, Yaw System
發布日期: 2019/05/24
發布人員: 薛淑真