
先進讀表基礎架構下之零碳電能建築規劃Planning of Net–Zero–Electrification Building in the Advanced Metering Infrastructure

公告類型: 工程科學類4-1
點閱次數: 535




Since energy–saving buildings are in great demand, an economic analytical tool with optimal scenario planning is developed to design a future net zero energy building in this research. This building can store both electrification and heated water. Its deployment of a high efficiency energy–saving heat pump combines the following functions: air conditioning, electric water heating, photovoltaic generation and battery storage. This can also be constructed under an advanced metering infrastructure. Besides, this tool can measure how to plan the optimal deployment in this zero–carbon electrification building with micro–grid according to the household’s electricity or water heating use habits. Different net energy metering scenarios here  include electricity tariffs, feed–in tariffs, time of use tariffs, load profiles and water heating habits. By integrating the long–term time series of meteorological data into the proposed scenario planning of this net zero energy building , the analysis tool can well describe the uncertainty in some state variables and achieve a cost–effective net zero energy buildings design. It is an important prototype to promote net–zero–electrification buildings and micro–grid in Taiwan.

Keywords: Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Net–Zero–Electrification Buildings, Net Energy Metering, Time of Use Tariff, Scenario Analysis

發布日期: 2019/05/24
發布人員: 薛淑真