
應用行動群眾感知於公車乘客載運監測與調度規劃之研究A Study of Using Mobile Crowd Sensing to Monitor the Transport of City Buses for Schedule Planning

公告類型: 工程科學類4-1
點閱次數: 580





Over the past couple of years, the accelerating growth of some technologies, such as Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Internet of Things has laid a solid foundation for the development of smarter systems. These technologies let Smart city become a popular issue recently. With regard to public transportation, city buses need more information about passenger behavior for better service planning. However, how to monitor passenger behavior beyond getting on or getting off the bus (e.g. waiting time) is still a problem. Accordingly, this study uses Opportunistic sensing of Mobile Crowd Sensing with Beacon technology to propose a passenger behavior-monitoring model for city buses. Through the proposed model, it is easier to obtain more administrative information, including the distribution of passenger arrivals, passenger load in each bus, numbers of failure to get on the bus and passengers’ waiting time. A simulation system is based on the bus route of Tainan city bus No 14. to evaluate the feasibility of this proposed model and the efficiency of bus transportation. The result of this simulation shows that this model is feasible on monitoring passenger behavior to provide more behavior data for decision-making. Moreover, bus companies can use this model to figure out the demand of city buses and then adjust their bus schedules to improve their transport service

Keywords: Mobile Crowd Sensing, Smart City, Intelligent Transportation, Waiting Time, Beacon

發布日期: 2019/05/24
發布人員: 薛淑真