
不同學院學生對於產品海報圖文編排注意力之研究A Study to Investigate the Attention of Students from Different Colleges in the Layout Arrangement of Text and Pictures in Posters

公告類型: 社會科學類2-2
點閱次數: 580

現今資訊傳播方式除了廣告便是文宣海報,圖文編排方式是海報的重點,圖片與文字搭配以及位置分佈皆能影響觀看者的注意力,編排得宜即能夠正確並快速的將需要傳達的內容傳達給觀看者,而觀看者本身具有主觀思維,其生活背景、專業領域以及性別年齡皆會影響對同一張海報的注意力。本研究探討不同學院學生對於產品海報之注意力的差異性,透過眼動儀進行實驗將第一次凝視所需時間(time to first fixation, TFF)、第一次凝視停留時間(first fixation duration, FFD)、總凝視時間(total fixation duration, TFD)及總凝視次數(total fixation count, TFC)記錄及分析。研究結果發現,觀看海報第一次的凝視時間無論是哪個學院的學生,時間都一樣;在第一次凝視位置上,數位設計學院第一眼看到文字的時間比商管學院、人文社會學院及工學院來的慢;在觀看興趣區域中,以海報的特色區域總凝視時間最長,其次為標題、文字,而圖片在總凝視時間上為最短。本研究之結果可提供設計者在海報編排上,可以特色及文字為主要重點。



Despite the vast array of information communication approaches, nowadays, posters still play a vital role in visual communication. The graphic layout is the focus of the poster. The text-to-image matching and the layout can both affect the attention of the viewer. Moreover, their appropriate arrangement enables the message to be delivered correctly and quickly to the viewers. Viewers themselves have their own subjective thinking. Other factors such as their background, professional domain, gender and age will affect the way they pay attention to the same poster. This study explores the differences in attention of students from different colleges on various posters. An instrument in measuring eye movement was utilized to detect the variables such as Time to First Fixation (TFF), First Fixation Duration (FFD), Total Fixation Duration (TFD), and Total Fixation Count (TFC). Results show TFF remains the same no matter which College students are from. From the first sight position, the time to read the texts appears to run slower for students from Digital Design College than for Business College, Humanities College and Engineering College. Regarding the areas of interest, the poster feature area has the longest total viewing time, followed by the title, text, and then the pictures which have the shortest TFD. The results can help designers create a poster layout with the main focus on the features and text.

Keywords: Text and Pictures Presentation, Visual Communication, Attention, Eye Tracking, Students from Different Colleges

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真