
鬆綁無線廣播電臺廣告時間監理架構之探討A Study on Deregulation of the Supervisory Mechanism on Advertisement Duration of Radio Stations

公告類型: 社會科學類3-2
點閱次數: 554





Radio stations in Taiwan have become a disadvantaged media group since the number of radio stations was taken to the limit. To promote the sound development of radio industry, this research aims to investigate the existing regulations and supervisory mechanisms in Taiwan in terms of radio broadcasting production practices, advertising and marketing operating principles, and the supervisory mechanisms of advertisement duration in other countries. Furthermore, to maximize the advertisement benefits without violating the public ratio obligations and responsibilities, it proposes enacting flexible regulations on advertisement supervisory mechanism that control the total amount of advertisement daily, restriction and extension of advertisement duration, and infomercial concentration in prime times.

Keywords: Daily Total Amount Control, Prime Time, Deregulation of Supervisory Mechanism, Advertisement Duration, Radio Station

發布日期: 2019/01/07
發布人員: 薛淑真