摘 要
The elements of theater theory are actors, audience, setting, and performance, which have been frequently used to manage service encounters. Hence, based on the theater theory, this study aimed to deconstruct the service encounters of Japan group tour into 4 elements of the theater theory (i.e., actors, audience, setting, and performance), test the differences between the consumers’ characteristics on the elements of theater theory, and examine the impacts of the elements of theater theory (in service encounters) and tour satisfaction on repurchase intention. Questionnaire was employed to collect data. A sample of 399 Japan group tourists above 18 years old participated in this study. The results of one-way analysis of variance indicated that the region of Japan group tour demonstrated differences on their evaluation on setting and actors. The group tourists in Kyushu, Tokyo, Osaka, and Hokkaido valued higher the element of setting compared to those in Nagoya;"
Keywords: Tour Group, Repurchase Intentions, Theatre Theory