
自我指涉對部落格行銷效果影響之研究-論點品質與部落格態度的調節效果A Study of the Influence of Self–Reference on Blog Marketing–The Moderating Effects of Argument Quality and Attitude toward Blogging

公告類型: 社會科學類3-2
點閱次數: 565

摘 要




As electronic commerce continues its steady development, the Otaku Economy has become an increasingly popular topic. Before shopping on the Internet, people do not just collect information on Google; but also read blogs, making blogs an important reference. Due to the influence of self–reference blog articles on commercial behavior, this research, through experiment, explores the intensity of the argument quality of blogs, focusing on the moderating effect of their objective attitude. The experiment is divided into four parts: analytical self–referencing, narrative self–referencing, strong argument quality, and weak argument quality, each of which is then studied through imitative scenarios. According to the result of the study, different self–reference types have significantly different perceptions of advertising effectiveness (advertising attitude, advertising awareness, purchase intention), of which the narrative type is significantly higher than the analytic type. Again, argument quality only has a significant mediating effect on analytical self–reference type and advertising effectiveness. Finally, the high/low argument qualities and blog attitudes of different self–reference types also show significant  differences in advertising effectiveness (advertising attitude, advertising awareness, and purchase intention). Therefore, this research can offer adoptable marketing strategies to bloggers and companies that intend to apply blog marketing in the future.

Keywords: Blog, Blog Marketing, Self-Reference, Argument Quality

發布日期: 2019/01/07
發布人員: 薛淑真