
服務科學園區之物流業車輛路線問題之探討—同時考量整車運輸與零擔運輸作業The Vehicles Routing Problem of Third Party Logistics in Science Park – Full Truck Load and Less than Truck Load

公告類型: 社會科學類3-2
點閱次數: 560





This paper explores the vehicle routing problem of logistics industry in science parks (VRPSP) in Taiwan. The logistics companies pick up and deliver the Hi–Tech products between different science parks, or between science parks and Hi–Tech companies, or between science parks and ports. In addition, these Hi–Tech products are usually high value, precision–manufactured, and fragile, so that trucks moving Hi–Tech products have to be very careful. Thus, the logistics company has to use the vehicles with air–bags or temperature–control to deliver Hi–Tech products. Moreover, Hi–Tech companies adopt the supply chain management (SCM) to manage the produce schedule, so the delivery time is constrained, and some products need full–truck–load (FTL) and some products need less–than–truck–load (LTL). Therefore, the characteristics of the VRPSP include multi type vehicles, time constraint, pickup and delivery, FTL and LTL. This paper has developed a model and has designed some test problems to verify the model. The computational results indicated that the model could effectively solve these test problems.

Keywords: Science Park, Logistics Industry, Vehicles Routing Problem

發布日期: 2019/01/07
發布人員: 薛淑真