
台灣上市櫃數位遊戲公司之內部經營績效與外部市場績效的表現The Performances in Domestic and External Markets of Taiwanese Listed Digital Game Companies

公告類型: 社會科學類3-2
點閱次數: 539






In this study, Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis was used to evaluate the performance of listed digital games companies which were divided into the domestic market performance and the external market performance from 2011 to 2015. The results show that for both domestic market and external market performance, there is no significant difference between the large-scale enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of operation performance until 2015. Moreover, in the domestic market performance of large-scale enterprises, "Total Efficiency (TE)" is significantly better due to the significantly better "Scale Efficiency (SE)". However, for the external market performance of large-scale enterprises, the "pure management efficiency (PME)" is significantly worse, resulting in "Total Efficiency (TE)" becoming significantly poorer. The former result is due to digital games being emerging industries and begin to gradually generate economies of scale, or large-scale enterprises are more likely to raise funds, or consumers are more confident about large-scale enterprises; the latter result shows that large-scale enterprises’ inputs (i.e. net revernue, weighted patents) remain unchanged, and their output (i.e. TCRI credit rating, market share) are improved in order to improve market performance.

KeywordsTwo-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis, Digital Games Companies, Enterprise Scale

發布日期: 2019/01/07
發布人員: 薛淑真