
大學推動自主學習課程概況之分析Analysis of an Overview in Courses of Self-Regulated Learning in Universities

公告類型: 社會科學類3-1
點閱次數: 517




The purpose of this study is to understand an overview in courses of self-regulated learning in universities and to make suggestions. Questionnaire survey method and interview method, with the top universities, exemplary science and technology universities and teaching excellence universities, which received the subsidies or rewards of the Ministry of Education, were selected as the research objects and 33 valid questionnaires were collected. The effective recovery rate was 62.26%. We interviewed a total of six curriculum supervisors in these public and private universities, in order to analyze the idea of self-regulated learning courses, the way of starting and evaluation mechanism. The main findings are six. First, only about 55% of the schools promote self-regulated learning courses, targeting autonomous planning and learning. Second, self-regulated learning courses enable students to take up 46% of the courses. Improving the course enrollment system can enhance this ratio. Thirdly, half of the teachers are counted on the clock, and there are no restrictions on the number of students in the 39%. Fourthly, 56% of the schools, follow the original procedure for course offerings, and still find a lack of flexibility. Fifthly, universities have various ways of implementing self-regulated learning because of diverse grading systems.  Lastly, 56% of the schools stipulate holding achievement exhibitions as part of the grading criteria.

發布日期: 2018/08/06
發布人員: 薛淑真