
在感知無線電網路植基於QoS選擇機制之頻譜交易The Spectrum Trading Based on QoS Selection Mechanism in Cognitive Radio Networks

公告類型: 社會科學類2-1
點閱次數: 605


在感知無線電網路的研究大都聚焦於技術方面議題,較少有研究探討頻譜交易議題。本論文提出一個在感知無線電網路植基於非授權使用者之服務品質(quality of service, QoS)需求匹配與差別定價(Matching requirements and Differential pricing)資源選擇機制,稱為Q-MD選擇機制。探討隨機選擇、優化非授權使用者之選擇機制與Q-MD選擇等三種選擇機制,在不同情況下執行頻譜交易所帶來的總收益與非授權使用者之符合度 (coincidence)。模擬結果顯示,當頻譜資源數少於非授權使用者人數時,Q-MD選擇機制可取得與跟優化非授權使用者差不多的收益,且滿足非授權使用者QoS需求;在頻譜資源數多於非授權使用者人數時,Q-MD選擇機制的累計收益雖略低於優化非授權使用者之QoS選擇機制,但對於不同類型的頻譜資源利用率最理想。



Most of the previous researches emphasized the technical aspect of spectrum sensing and spectrum sharing. Few researches focused on the economic aspect of spectrum trading. In this paper, we propose a spectrum selection mechanism which is called Q-MD selection mechanism. It is based on non-authorized users’ quality of service (QoS), matching requirements and differential pricing. The selection mechanisms discussed in this study include random selection mechanism, optimization of authorized users’ selection mechanism and proposed Q-MD selection mechanism. We investigate the cumulative gains and coincidence of spectrum trading execution in different situations. The Q-MD selection mechanism can earn an income similar to optimization of authorized users’ selection mechanism, and meet the QoS needs of non-authorized users. When the number of spectrum resources is larger than the number of non-authorized users, the Q-MD selection mechanism has the best spectrum utilization for different types of spectrum resources.

Keywords: Cognitive Radio, Spectrum Trading, Spectrum Utilization, Selection Mechanism

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真