
LiveDVD線上影片英語學習與管理系統平台之創新應用與成效評估Innovative Application and Outcome Assessment of the LiveDVD Online Film-based English Learning and Management System

公告類型: 社會科學類2-1
點閱次數: 556


台灣技職科大英語教育成效除了老師與學生個人因素外,學校層級因素包含教育科技融入課程與成效管理模式等也能產生正面影響。本論文呈現多媒體輔具(LiveDVD線上影片英語學習系統)應用於科技大學英語教育的3年期行動研究成果,及如何善用校園英語學習與管理系統來做有效學習管理以提高學生英文學習動機。本研究涵蓋學生英語影片學習方案與規定,科技部產學計畫影片延伸學習與評量工具製作,以及成效評估模式建立。本研究採用3種學習成效評量指標:(1LiveDVD學習態度,(2)使用時數與英檢證照取得關連性分析,與(3LiveDVD相關變數與英文能力及證照取得之關連性。主要研究工具包含學習系統後台收集學生使用時數等資料,以及用來了解學生對LiveDVD學習態度之問卷。資料分析方法包含描述統計外,採用卡方獨立性分析以及結構方程導向之路徑分析來分別檢視以上三個評量指標。 本研究主要發現如下:(1)學生大致上對LiveDVD學習平台3個相關面向議題有正面之評價,C組比A,B組學生同意度高,(2LiveDVD使用積極度與英檢證照取得有顯著正相關,(3LiveDVD使用動機對英文能力有直接影響,對英檢證照取得有間接影響。 本研究顯示教育科技與管理模式有助於英語學習,這對台灣技職大學英語教育帶來實質參考價值。

關鍵詞:LiveDVD線上影片英語學習系統, 科技輔助語言學習,電腦輔助語言學習,結構方程導向路徑分析


This paper presents the result of a three-year action research plan involving the innovative application of “LiveDVD”, a web-based English learning system loaded with VODs and embedded into the English learning program of a polytechnic university in Taiwan. The LiveDVD action plan involves requirement on students’ use of the LiveDVD system, creation of learning and assessment materials for the target VODs, and outcome management. For outcome evaluation, three indicators were posited to gauge (1) students’ attitudes toward LiveDVD learning, (2) the association between use activeness of LiveDVD and pass status of English proficiency certificates, and (3) the causal relations between LiveDVD-related variables (i.e. use motivation, learning features, and learning regulation) and English learning outcome.  A survey questionnaire was employed to collect response data of students’ opinions of LiveDVD, whereas the LiveDVD management platform generated the use statistics of LiveDVD. Descriptive statistics, the chi-squared test of group independence, and an SEM-based path analysis were performed to address the afore-stated purposes respectively. The findings of the project include: (1) students have overall positive responses to LiveDVD, (2) use of LiveDVD is positively and significantly associated with the pass status of English proficiency certificates, and (3) use motivation has direct effect on English proficiency and indirect effect on English proficiency certificates.  This project shows positive effects of the education technology along with a viable outcome management on students’ English learning, having implications for running English education programs particularly at large polytechnic universities in Taiwan whose students come with a lower English ability and motivation.

Keywords: Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Computer Aided Language Learning, SEM-based Path Analysis, LiveDVD

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真