
探討老屋遊客懷舊體驗對幸福感之影響 —兼論地方依戀Exploring the Effect of Visitors’ Nostalgic Experience on Happiness towards Old Houses – And Concerning Place Attachment

公告類型: 社會科學類2-1
點閱次數: 637

摘 要

近年來,台灣吹起了一股懷舊復古風,許多老房子紛紛被改裝、加入懷舊元素,帶動老屋輕旅行成為一種風潮,而老房子林立的台南也搭上這一股懷舊風潮成為許多遊客前往的旅遊地點。然而老屋相關研究多著重於空間再造議題,少有從遊客體驗觀點出發來探討。本研究以Schmitt (1999)的體驗行銷理論為基礎,探討遊客在參與老屋旅遊中的懷舊體驗,以及懷舊體驗、地方依戀和幸福感受間之關聯性。研究對象為參觀台南「老屋欣力」活動中票選入圍或得獎的老屋遊客,採用問卷方式進行資料蒐集,共獲得有效問卷344份,將蒐集之數據以結構方程模式和迴歸分析進行假設驗證。研究結果顯示,Schmitt 的體驗行銷概念可應用於老屋遊客的懷舊體驗上,懷舊體驗影響地方依戀和幸福感,地方依戀影響幸福感;且地方依戀是影響幸福感的主因。換言之,遊客可藉由參觀老屋獲得懷舊體驗、產生對老屋的情感依戀,並進而增加幸福感受。最後依據研究結果,提出管理與後續研究建議。



Nowadays, nostalgia has become a trend in Taiwan. Many old houses have been renovated and themed with nostalgic atmosphere, which leads to the booming of travel to old houses. Tainan, known for many old houses, has also caught up with this nostalgic trend, and has become a preferred destination. However, past research on old houses mostly focuses on the issues of revitalization or reconstruction, and few have explored the perceived experiences from the visitors’ perspective. This paper applies the construct of experiential marketing by Schmitt (1999) to visitors of old houses to explore their nostalgic experiences, and examines the relationships among nostalgic experiences, place attachment and happiness. Three hundred forty four valid questionnaires were collected from visitors who visited three old houses of Tainan, all of which received special prizes or recommendation from the campaign of "Old Houses with New Life". Data collected were analyzed using structural equation modeling and regression analysis to confirm the proposed research hypotheses. The results confirm the application of experiential marketing to visitors’ nostalgic experiences of old houses. Moreover, the results also indicate that the nostalgic experiences have a positive effect on place attachment and happiness, and that the place attachment has a positive effect on happiness. The study findings further suggest place attachment as the major factor for the formation of visitors’ happiness. In other words, visitors could experience nostalgia during the trip and hence develop affective attachment to the old houses, and this further leads to higher level of happiness. Accordingly, some managerial implications and further research directions are proposed.

Keywords: Nostalgic Experience, Happiness, Place Attachment, Old House

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真