
改變彈心材質之靜穩定裕度設計Design of Static Margin by Changing Material Density of Penetrator

公告類型: 工程科學類3-2
點閱次數: 612

砲彈從砲管膛口飛出後,彈體飛行受力面必受空氣阻力之影響,對於長桿型彈心之動能穿甲彈也不例外;本文以M426 105公厘尾翼穩定脫殼穿甲(APFSDS)彈為例,在不改變砲膛口徑與尾翼架構情形下,將APFSDS之鎢合金彈心,改用不同比重之鋼質材料設計,藉由改變彈心尺寸,探討重心、壓心、正向力、靜力矩與靜穩定裕度之關係,以作為尾翼穩定脫殼穿甲彈之練習彈設計參考。



When a projectile fired from muzzle of a gun, flight behaviors of the projectile will certainly be disturbed by the air resistance, No exception can be found in kinetic Armor-Piercing round with long-rod penetrator. This study takes an example from the M426 105mm Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilizer Discard-Sabot (APFSDS) round, Without changing the caliber and the design of the fin, A material of steel rod with different density from tungsten rod used in general APFSDS round was adopted to investigate the configuration and dimensions. The interrelationships among center of gravity, center of pressure, normal force, static moment and static margin have been discussed to serve as a reference for the development of kinetic target practice round.

Keywords: Static Margin, Kinetic Armor-Piercingm, Center of Gravity, Center of Pressure

發布日期: 2018/11/05
發布人員: 薛淑真