
鋰電池隔離膜製程運用實驗設計之參數最佳化研究Application of Experimental Design for the Parameter Optimization on the Process of Lithium Battery Separators

點閱次數: 597


本研究運用品管手法之「特性要因圖」找出影響鋰電池隔離膜中段製程之重要品質特性隔膜透氣度及隔膜厚度之關鍵因子,再利用實驗設計中反應曲面法Response Surface MethodologyRSM)之中央合成設計(Central Composite Design, CCD)進行製程參數最佳化,以降低實驗成本及提高產品良率。經研究結果顯示,隔膜透氣度平均值()由改善前10.8秒改善至9.27秒(規格中心值為9秒),標準差由0.66秒改善至0.56秒;隔膜厚度平均值(μm) 由改善前20.43 μm改善至20.02 μm(規格中心值為20 μm),標準差由0.18 μm改善至0.12 μm



In this study, Causes &font-family:'Times New Roman',serif">lithium battery separator. Moreover, Central Composite Design (CCD), one method of Response Surface Methodology (RSM), was employed to optimize the process parameters in order to improve the production yield and lower the cost. The results showed that the average of membrane gurley (in second) is improved from 10.8s to 9.27s, where its target is 9s, and that its standard deviation is reduced from 0.66s to 0.56s. The average of membrane thickness (in μm) is improved from 20.43 μm to 20.02 μm, with the target of 20 μm, while its standard deviation is also shrank from 0.18 μm to 0.12 μm.

Keywords: Lithium Battery, Lithium Battery Separators, Causes & Effects Diagram, Response Surface Methodology, Central Composite Design

發布日期: 2018/11/02
發布人員: 薛淑真